Atari: Resurgence, Nostalgia, Innovation, and Community

Atari, a name synonymous with the early days of video gaming, has been making recent moves to return to its roots in the gaming scene. With...

Taito Milestones 2: Reliving more Arcade Classics - Review.

  TAITO MILESTONES 2 Introduction: The world of arcade gaming has a rich history, and Taito Corporation stands as one of its pioneers. With ...

Title: "Big Boy Boxing: Knockout Fun and Animated Mayhem!"

By Rob, Dad Geek - September 9, 2023 Developers Martin Calander and Ludvig Thelberg of Soup Masters are bringing the ring to life with. &quo...

Detroit Rock city is now Prison city. Snake Pliskin be licking his lips. A review.

What is it? In "Prison City," you assume the role of Hal Bruzer, a former cop tasked with rescuing the city from the clutches of a...

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