Review: Trash Sailors. This is Extreme Recycling.

  The world's trash moved on relentlessly and as it grew beyond control it engulfed the earth and washed over its inhabitants in a giant...

2021 Best videogames Nominations. So many choices so little time.

  2021 If nothing else delivered a massive library of great games, from remakes and remasters to great original new content. From Massive AA...

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy soars beyond the stars. A Review

It has been a while since you have heard long form reviews from us, but there is a good reason for that. Besides an overwhelming amount of p...

Getting your kicks on route 66. Gas Station Simulator Review.

Welcome to the Dustbowl, this party never stops The neon-sign out front sparks to life as I pull the power switch, we are open for business...

Hindsight 20/20: Wrath of the Raakshasa, Actions have consequences.

Living with a moral code is hard. It is nice to be nice, to follow a moral code, especially when it involves respect for others and life abo...

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