TAITO Milestones review. Can you put a price on Nostalgia?
As videogames arcades arrived in the world Taito was one of the first companies to invest into the industry. Hitting its stride during the 8...
As videogames arcades arrived in the world Taito was one of the first companies to invest into the industry. Hitting its stride during the 80's the company provided a multitude of hits most notable the genre defining Space Invaders grossing over 3.8 billion dollars, Taito sealed its legacy in videogame history. Since they released many more games, some more known then others but the influence of the company is undeniable. Now a new collection is coming out for the Nintendo Switch called Taito Milestones which delivers 10 games spanning a decade from it's vast library to the equally genre defining Nintendo console.
Despite its name indicating some iconic titles you will not find any of the big hitters such as Space invaders, Puzzle Bobble, Operation wolf, Darius or any of the other amazing titles produced by the former arcade giant. This list contains a much more niche selection from their vault. In the Taito Milestones collection you will find the following games.
QIX, 1981
A unique puzzle game where you mark areas on a square field to capture space while avoiding strange enemies such as the Qix, a stick-like entity that performs graceful but unpredictable motions within the confines of the rectangle and the sparx. Think Tron' s light cycles mixed with Pacman.
A straight up Shooting game that takes place on an overworld map where each interaction takes you to a side scrolling or first-person shooter level on your way to strike the enemy's mobile fortress.
As the name suggests a game about skiing, the game includes three competitions: Downhill ski, slalom and ski jump! On your way you will get the chance to collect bonus points and take charge on the leader board.
A top down Run-and-Gun game much like Commando. Push forward to the enemy camp on foot or in armored vehicles, even a tank. With omni directional controls for aiming you are in control on the battlefield.
Another top down shooter where you play A sheriff on horseback protecting a train from groups of bandits. you avoid running into obstacles, getting shot, while preventing three bandits to board the train.
CHACK'N POP, 1983,
A platform game with a bit of a Bomberman mechanics thrown in. Make your way through the level avoiding or destroying monsters while trying to rescue your lost hearts. But do not accidentally step into destructive path of your own bombs
a unique platform action game of a spy on a mission through a high rise. Move swiftly as you infiltrate the enemy's headquarters, get all the secret documents and make your escape!
A platform game that takes place on a single screen, You play the witch Ptolemy who has to clear the many rooms of the castle defeating many monsters , evil wizards and more with your magic wand by turning them into cupcakes and crushing them.
A typical SHMUP (Shoot 'M Up) ,perhaps influenced by the biggest story of the time you are assigned to save everyone by destroying Halley’s comet as it is headed for the planets of our solar system and the foes it brought with them.
A side scrolling brawler action game where play as an advanced robot ninja making your way deep into enemy territory. Face countless enemy foot soldiers, dogs, snipers, tanks and more.
Each of the games in this collection is well presented and looks good on both the switch as on the big screen overall, although some of the earlier ones were a bit hard to read for these old eyes. Controls are simple as they are from a simpler time, directional and one or two buttons for specific actions usually jump and an attack option. I played with both the switch controllers as well as the pro controller and the results were inconsistent often making me struggle some with the sluggish response. I cannot say with certainty if this was due to the port or just proof of ancient gameplay. Despite this I still had fun with the various games as I rotated through them and pushing a button to insert unlimited virtual coins is better than pumping in those hard-earned quarters at the arcade. Each game has their own gameplay hook to challenge you and if you do well you can upload your score to the online leaderboards and leave your legacy for others to admire or beat, just as the good old days.
Ninja warriors, Quix and Fairyland were the games I found myself enjoying most in this collection and despite most of the games being so old, we are talking over 40 years for some, they all still offer decent to good gameplay to keep you busy for a few hours. However, at a hefty price point of $40 I feel it is a tough sell without any of Taito's biggest hits or any bonus material. If any of the individual games piqued your interest, then it should be noted that they are also available on Nintendo's switch Arcade Archives at around $8 per game.
Value is in the eye of the beholder and in the end, you have to determine for yourself if you can put a price on nostalgia.
Developer: TAITO
Publisher: ININ games
Release Date: April 15th, 2022 (MSRP $39.99)
Platforms: Nintendo Switch
Review platform: Nintendo Switch
ESRB: T for Teen
About the writer: DadGeek (Rob) is the co-founder of GeeksVsGeeks. He is a product of the eighties and never let go of his geek interest and hobbies no matter how often someone told him to stop. His love for gaming and all things geeks has been part of his parenting style and permeates throughout the whole family. A family of Geeks vs Geeks